Whole and Holy Challenge

Whole and HolyGod calls us to be good stewards.  Good stewards with our finances but also good stewards of the world around us, good stewards with our time and talents and good stewards of ourselves.  To this end the Stewardship team is launching the Whole and Holy challenge where individuals are challenged to be good stewards within their own lives.  Participants can get points in each of 6 areas: Physical Activity, Spirituality, General Health, Nutrition, Stewardship but need to get at least one point in each area for the days points to be counted.

Its not too late to join this fun challenge!  Just fill out the form below to let Pastor Amanda know that you are participating — you can be added to a group or participate yourself.  You can download the packet of information below





Do I have to attend the kick-off pot-luck salad luncheon on September 29th in order to participate in the challenge?

No.  Teams will be assigned and instructions and materials for the challenge will be given at the kick-off dinner, but if you cannot make it to the dinner you can still participate.  Just indicate on the sign-up sheet that you cannot attend the dinner and you will be contacted with information and materials.

Can children participate in the challenge?

Yes.  There are ways for children to get points in each category and children are encouraged to participate.

Do I have to do everything in each category (Fitness, Nutrition, Soul, Mind/Relationships, General Health) in order to participate in the challenge?

No.  While you are required to do something in each category in order to have your points counted for each day, you are not expected to do everything in every category.

Do I have to come to meetings to participate in the challenge? 

No.  There are no meetings for the challenge.  There is a kick-off event on September 29th and a celebration event at the end of the event (an ice cream social between services on November 3rd), but other than that, you just have to keep track of your points on a point chart that will be given to you and report your points to your team captain every week.

Do I have to have a pedometer to participate in the challenge?

No.  The Step Challenge is one component of the Fitness category.  There are other ways for you to get points in that category if you do not want to use a pedometer.   You can also use a different device (Fitbit, phone) to keep track of your steps.

Are families/couples put on teams together?

That’s your choice.   We will be assigning people to teams at the kick-off and your family can decide whether or not you all want to be on the same team.

What if I have more questions? 

Talk to Pastor Amanda.